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This summer, we are excited to announce that MuleSoft’s Anypoint Platform is officially available on the UK government’s G-Cloud 10 framework.

In response to customer demand, MuleSoft’s G-Cloud 10 offering has expanded to include licensing, training, and services offerings. We’re also very excited to include MuleSoft’s Catalyst Accelerators; a set of packaged service offerings designed to provide the UK public sector with the right level of assistance and direction to achieve their desired business outcomes.

The cloud imperative in government

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Across government entities, there’s a great need for integration, especially cloud-based integration, especially as the Government Cloud First policy is implemented more widely.

This focus reflects the government’s desire to increase speed, reduce costs, and support digital initiatives. In our latest Consumer Connectivity Insights Report, we surveyed over 8,000 consumers across the world. We found that, from an industry perspective, over half of consumers (66%) believe government services provide the most disconnected digital experiences. Further, of those consumers that used an online government service in the last 12 months, more than a quarter (27%) said they had a negative experience.

For many government departments, these disconnected digital experiences arise due to the lack of integration––a bottleneck that hinders departments from realizing the benefits of migrating to the cloud. In this case, although some government departments are moving to the cloud, they still have legacy and on-premise investments that hold important data.

As a result, IT teams at those departments must provision and maintain that infrastructure and, most importantly, integrate the infrastructure to cloud technologies when necessary.

MuleSoft’s continued commitment to UK Government

As UK government departments continue to accelerate their adoption of cloud technologies, an important need arises: a cloud-friendly integration strategy. Using Anypoint Platform, now available on G-Cloud 10, UK government departments can have a cloud-friendly integration technology that enables them to more quickly and securely migrate to the cloud.

To learn more, visit our G-Cloud offerings and check out our Consumer Connectivity Insights Report.