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Big day

Today is a big day for us. We’re having our IPO today. Going public means that we have grown MuleSoft to a scale and level of performance that few companies achieve. It means that we will be playing on an even bigger stage, and we’re ready.

Today is a big day to celebrate the great work of the Muleys who have made it happen. You should be proud and enjoy this moment—it’s an excitement that few people will experience. Congratulations! Thank you to you and your families for your hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. The level of effort and perseverance you have put into MuleSoft is humbling. Thank you for choosing to do your best work here at MuleSoft and for driving to make us all successful. Thank you for all the days, nights, and weekends spent serving our customers and building our products. A special thank you to long-time Muleys who have been our culture carriers and who have shaped the company to what it has become.

latest report
Learn why we are the Leaders in API management and iPaaS

Today is a big day to thank the customers, developers and partners who have grown with us.  Thank you for believing in our vision even when we were small, and for continuing to trust us. Thank you for your candid and relentless feedback – it has driven us to be better.

Little day

Today is also a little day. Today is merely a milestone along the way toward lasting greatness. We are just getting started, and being public allows us to play on an even bigger stage.

I’ve been often asked, “What’s your exit strategy? Will you sell or go public?” I’ve always felt that thinking of IPO as an “exit strategy” misses the mark. Great companies such as Amazon, Apple, and Salesforce are having hundreds or even a thousand times the impact on the world since their IPO. The “I” is for “initial”. An IPO isn’t an exit, it’s an entry to the big leagues. In the next chapters of our story, we’ll help more customers and define more careers than our entire time as a private company.

A beloved business school professor of mine is Jim Collins—you may have read his books. Jim is my hero, and I drank gallons of his Kool-Aid. Jim encouraged us to focus on building a company foundationally, starting with exceptional people, then building the culture and sense of purpose to create a company that can be truly great over a long period of time. He taught us that every single day is just a little day along the way. Each day is an opportunity to push against the flywheel and make it spin a little faster – no magic, just thoughtfulness, good people, and hard work.

We’ve put the right people on the bus at MuleSoft. We’ve made it our number one priority to hire exceptional Muleys. I couldn’t be prouder of the team we’ve assembled, people who want to build a company that always does the right thing for its customers and its people. As long as we have the right people on board, create an outstanding culture, and stay true to our mission and our customers, we can create lasting greatness.

Next day

After we celebrate this milestone, we’ll go right back to building our products and delivering for our customers. We’re out to create a category-defining company, and we have the team, market position, technology tailwinds, and business opportunity to make it happen.

Congratulations to our team on this big day! It’s taken years of hard work and overcoming obstacles to achieve today’s milestone, and there is so much opportunity ahead. I’m so excited to be on this journey with such an incredible group of talented people.

Let’s not forget that it’s a little day in the scheme of all we will accomplish ahead. I’m looking forward to seeing where we’ll take it tomorrow and the next day…