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Change is happening faster than ever. The pandemic accelerated digital transformation strategies around the world, and customers have gotten used to this innovative pace. In 2023, organizations will work to continue this speed, but will shift their focus to maintaining efficient, scalable, sustainable, and secure operations as they do so. 

Check out the infographic below to see the top digital trends for 2023

1. Automation investment is on the rise 

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Eighty percent of businesses will begin hyper-automating – enhancing productivity by automating manual tasks – and using a more strategic, enterprise-wide approach over the next two years. This change is projected to increase productivity and decrease operational costs by 24% in 2024.

2. Composability provides a competitive advantage 

By 2023, the agility provided by adopting a composable framework will allow adopters to outpace their competition in new feature implementation by 80%.

3. Nontechnical users are accelerating innovation 

Organizations that use low- or no-code tools to empower nontechnical users are 2.6x more likely to accelerate their digital transformation.

4. Total experience (TX) strategy is a new priority.

Gartner predicts that businesses will outperform competitors by 25% for customer experience (CX) and employee experience (EX) when utilizing TX strategies by 2024.

5. Automation decision intelligence captures missed opportunities 

The average S&P 500 company loses $250M per year in missed opportunity costs; automating data-driven decision-making will ensure that money makes it on their balance sheets.

6. Composable cybersecurity architecture improves security.

Businesses that adopt a security mesh architecture to address the complexity of their highly distributed IT environments are projected to reduce their security incident spend by 90% in 2024.

7. Sustainability investments to reduce IT carbon footprint.

By 2040, information and communications technology (ICT) will account for approximately 14% of the global carbon footprint. To offset this, leaders are increasing sustainability-related budgets by 10–20% over the next three years.

To learn more, read the full report on the digital trends to watch in 2023.