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Anyone reading this knows that today’s business environment is marked by a great deal of competition, the adoption of technology solutions across every part of the organization, and the need to analyze and then use the explosion of data provided by those solutions for better business intelligence. All of this puts stress on IT, who need to deliver more projects at greater speed and at lower cost. Fortunately, there is a way of increasing IT’s capacity, enabling them to deliver more at a faster rate.

MuleSoft has released a set of offerings called Catalyst, which include best practices, assets, services and customer success programs. These offerings, along with Anypoint Platform, will allow an organization to create reusable assets, provide federated access to integration, enable self-service technology solutions throughout the business, and reduce complexity. This means that central IT no longer has to provide all the solutions; developers throughout the business will have access to reusable assets and templates, allowing them to create their own solutions in a managed, governable way.

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We are finding that IT’s role is shifting, by necessity, from being the centralized support function to becoming a strategic business enabler. Instead of actually building the technology solutions themselves, they provide the right tools and infrastructure for innovation to occur more broadly across the organization.

Ross Mason points out: “As technology advances and organizations undergo digital transformation, we are seeing the IT team’s remit evolve simultaneously to deliver more to the business. With the release of MuleSoft Catalyst, we are empowering CIOs and the IT team to become a strategic function for the enterprise, responsible for supporting business innovation. It provides guiding principles aimed to help customers achieve these business outcomes faster through API-led connectivity.”

Change can be very difficult to institute, but it’s necessary to cope with a changing world. Our goal is to partner with our customers to help them navigate change and offer best practices and solutions to guide them to the outcome they’re looking for. To find out more about how Catalyst can help your organization, take a look at the whitepaper or check out the webinar.