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Muleys: The term coined to encompass the group of incredibly enthusiastic and endlessly passionate people which we’re lucky enough to call our MuleSoft community. Without your support, it would be a lot harder to do what we do.

Case in point? The collection of platform services sessions we’ve hosted over the past six months. There have been some really critical changes to the technical services that underpin MuleSoft in the first half of this year.

Whether it’s the seismic Mule 4.6 upgrade (the first time we’ve ever upgraded the Java version of the runtime, moving off Java 8 to Java 17), the release of key innovations to our Monitoring offering such as Distributed Tracing and our Open Telemetry based Telemetry Exporter, or the ongoing transition away from CloudHub 1.0 to CloudHub 2.0 – we’re continuing to develop the tools you need in order to deploy, monitor and manage your Mule applications. 

We’ve hosted numerous community sessions in order to communicate these developments to you and, considering their popularity we wanted to create a single repository so you can access the recordings with ease.

That’s the main purpose of this article. The secondary purpose is to act as a call to action.

If you’re at all interested in MuleSoft, become a community member today. Whether it’s via our Slack community or our dedicated meetups website, you can find a vast array of gatherings, webinars, and learning opportunities in order to make you the best Muley you can be. 

With that in mind, here are the Platform Services sessions we’ve participated in over the past six months. 

Deploy your Mule! Mule Runtime 4.6 and Upgrading to Java 17

Software upgrades won’t  ever receive first place on any developer’s “favorite things to do” list, but an undeniably critical part of maintaining technical infrastructure when transitioning your platform to the latest version realizes years worth of security, performance and support improvements.

This session covered the upgrade to Mule 4.6, the first time we’ve ever upgraded the Mule Runtime java version. This community session provided an overview of Mule 4.6, discussed the new support model, covered the actual upgrade process itself and finished with an expansive audience Q&A. 

Upgrade your Mule! Making the Transition to CloudHub 2.0 

Speaking of upgrades, another key upgrade is the transition from CloudHub 1.0 to CloudHub 2.0. CloudHub 2.0 has come a long way and we’re now beginning a real push across the platform services team to encourage our customers to make the switch. 

For this session we were joined by D Rajesh Kumar, consultant at TCS and MuleSoft community ambassador, who shared his insights and experience of performing the upgrade. We also heard a bit about the CloudHub 2.0 roadmap and had an extensive fireside chat with an audience Q&A. 

Monitor your Mule! 

In March, we announced Distributed Tracing and our OpenTelemetry based Telemetry Exporter on stage at TrailblazerDX. 

Thanks to a community organized session, we were able to relive that announcement at the online Denver MuleSoft meetup.  

MuleSoft is doubling down on our investment in monitoring and observability, so it was great to also be able to discuss our wider vision at another community session called “Monitor your Mule!”. We discussed MuleSoft’s vision for monitoring and observability, why it’s so important right now, and how we can expect the influence of AI to play a part. 

Manage your Mule! The Latest Enhancements to MuleSoft Platform Services 

Roadmap is always a fan favorite in most contexts, but when it comes to features that sit outside of the spotlight like the platform services, it’s always really fantastic to be able to share some updates, and that’s just what we did at “Manage your Mule!” where we discussed horizontal autoscaling on CloudHub 2.0, automated cross-region failover for Anypoint MQ, engagement scores in Anypoint Exchange and a new usage dashboard for anypoint platform. 

Anypoint Exchange: It’s Not Just a Repo!

Exchange is used by almost every Mule customer to share and promote the reusability of Mule applications across their businesses. It’s not just an asset repository though! We learned why during an Anypoint Exchange-focused Community session.