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Error handling testing with Byteman
Testing exception handling code is not always an easy task. You either need to setup the external conditions that cause the exception to be... read more.
Real-time Web and Streaming APIs
There was a lot of buzz a few years ago around real-time web and since then it has been bubbling along. I have a... read more.
Fake and Stub objects creation using Groovy
Automated testing using XUnit style frameworks can be achieved using several techniques. You can test a particular class, group of classes, or all your... read more.
The Developer Testing Paradox
Over the years, I've seen many different testing styles while doing software development. Each one has unique characteristics, and some developers can identify themselves... read more.
Page Models: An Object Oriented approach to integration tests design
Setting up the problem Here is a simple scenario: 1. Go to Google2. Provide a search string3. Search the web4. Make sure that some... read more.
Development Process: Estimation is futile
How much time do you invest in estimating your backlog? Do you really get any value from it? When was the last time you... read more.
Kanban from the trenches; Lessons learned (Part 2)
On my previous post about Kanban, I presented the challenges we had in our Engineering team. They were:1. Uncontrolled growth of Work In Progress.2.... read more.
Often I get the following question. Should we solve this integration problem using and ESB, using BPM or both? There is no unique or... read more.
System Admins. R.I.P.?
The advent of the cloud has brought a wave of changes in IT from the way we provision servers to the applications we use.... read more.