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Happy Friday!

This week’s Meet a Muley posts takes us over to the Digital Marketing team! As Sr Manager of Marketing and Analytics, Nima tackles MuleSoft’s analytics infrastructure as we scale. Read on to learn about why we consider him the star of all of MuleSoft’s dance-offs!

First thought that came to mind when you looked into the mirror today?

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  • Who’s that good looking guy?

How did you find MuleSoft?

  • MuleSoft found me.

What were you doing before this?

  • Head of Internet Marketing @ eBay Advertising

How’d you end up deciding on MuleSoft?

  • It was an opportunity to work in a startup environment where I could take ownership, solve difficult problems, and be part of building something big. Working at MuleSoft gives me the opportunity to make an impact while doing what I love and there’s nothing more satisfying than that.

How was the interview process? Any funny or embarrassing stories?

  • I had my first interview over the phone with Mahau (VP of Marketing) and we instantly clicked and I knew I’d enjoy working with him. During the face to face interview, I had a fun time discussing how we could do closed loop marketing (nerdy, I know).  And Greg, our CEO, didn’t shake my hand, saying that he was recovering from a cold.  Little did he know he couldn’t avoid me for long! When I got hired, he and I shared the same desk for my first 2 weeks and I finally got my handshake.

Is it difficult being in SF and working with teams in BA?

  • Not really, our BA team starts earlier and stays late, so we’re able to communicate well. Above all, it makes the reunions much more fun!

What was your first job?

  • QA Engineer at a TV Manufacturer.

What’s a typical day like for you?

  • I hit the gym and then get a Jamba Juice protein shake. Then I start the work day by marching from one meeting to another. I have fun with my team brainstorming ideas, identifying areas for improvements, and build strategies for growth. I have the best team. They bring a mix of creativity, analytics, project management, processes, and perspective to the team. Once the day is done and things get quiet, it’s time to actually get some work done.

What are you currently working on?

  • Building our analytics infrastructure, improving data integrity, accelerating our growth and connecting the world.

Biggest challenge of the day?

  • How do I  eat all of these free lunches and snacks without impacting my productivity. #spoiledmuley

Best perk of being at MuleSoft?

  • 3 P’s: People, Passion, and Products. Working with great people who are passionate about our space, building great products.

Biggest challenge since you’ve been at MuleSoft?

  • Building a scalable infrastructure where we can measure our business while being nimble and adjusting to the changing needs of an explosively growing company.

What’s something new you learned while being at MuleSoft?

  • Never underestimate the power of team chemistry. It can do wonders!

Best piece of advice you’ve received?

  • “Never be content with being good enough and just hitting your goals. Strive to crush your goals and aim higher.”

Most embarrassing moment?

  • After multiple delayed flights and almost a 40-hour trip, in the middle of a meeting full of VP’s and SVP’s of one of the largest Canadian banks, I ended up mixing up my languages and spoke in Farsi for few sentences before I notice all the blank faces!

Favorite food you could eat everyday if you had to?

If you weren’t doing what you’re doing, what would you do?

  • Math teacher or a dance instructor.  I’ve always been analytical, but back in 2005, after few years of being a manager, I decided I wanted to be more of a leader than just a manager.  I was reading “A Whole New Mind” by Daniel H. Pink and in it, Pink claims that the future is ruled by creative people who use the right side of the brain.  So, I decided to train the creative side of my brain by learning more about music and dance. I then fell in love with dance, as it helped me improve my creativity, leadership and building harmony in teams.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

  • Teleporting. There are so many places to see and not enough time.

If you could have any pet in the world, what would you want?

  • A dolphin. If you can consider that a pet.

Favorite word?

  • Devil’s Advocate. Because that’s who I am.

Anything else you’d like to share with us?

  • I love being outdoors. Whether it’s hiking in Banff or biking in wine country. I’m looking forward to the day I can set up my laptop on my bike so I can work while riding in Sonoma.

That’s it for this week’s Meet a Muley post! Let us know in the comments below if you’d like to hear from someone in particular next week!

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