Reading Time: 2 minutes

Uncover the integration pitfalls that IT leaders need to avoid and the opportunities they’re overlooking. Learn how to turn integration — a longtime obstacle — into an advantage.

Hear from Betty Smith, VP and Head of Digital Technology at New York Life, as she shares:

  • Why integration is often the #1 reason new initiatives fail, and how IT leaders can take control of the situation.
  • How the integration landscape has changed in recent years, and where it is today.
  • Best practices spanning the three key components of the integration operating model: people, process, and technology.


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Learn why we are the Leaders in API management and iPaaS

Betty Smith
VP and Head of Digital Technology, New York Life


Melissa Czapiga
CIOs Unfiltered, MuleSoft

Watch our webinar to get a proven framework for calculating and articulating the impact and value of integration and APIs.