Using Quartz to Trigger a Service

Reading Time: 4 minutes

When you’re working with Mule, you’re usually concerned about responding to messages that come in and making sure you’re routing them correctly from service to service. But what if you just want to trigger a service component on a set interval? What if its method doesn’t require any incoming data at all?

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Having Some REST with Mule’s Power Tools

Reading Time: 6 minutes

This is a guest blog entry by David Dossot, co-author of the soon-to-be-released book Mule in Action.

I recently had the opportunity to integrate a bunch of REST resources and came to further appreciate what I consider to be Mule’s power tools: scripting and expressions (there is a third tool in my power box, Spring, but I won’t discuss it here).

Scripting, and more precisely Groovy, has been key to this REST integration for:

  • Generating the desired request microformats
  • Processing the HTTP responses

The particular integration I will discuss here, with details changed to protected the innocent, is a classic resource creation via HTTP POST:

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Sneak Peak at Mule 3.x: It’s Hot!

Reading Time: 6 minutes

We’ve been busy working on Mule releases recently, so this blog hasn’t had as much developer voice as it deserves. Working on things like WebSphere MQ can be demanding, which is another reason to appreciate the all-new shiny WebSphere MQ connector in Mule Enterprise 2.2.1. Makes one’s life much much easier.

That is not to say we didn’t cure our (and your) itch for new features. Many great ideas are currently being born, killed and re-born again, and I’m happy to announce an official user-facing kick-off of Mule 3.x (yes, it’s our third one already!) with the availability of the bleeding-edge 3.0 Milestone 1 Build.

Many features in this build aren’t obvious on the surface, like our massive private Bamboo infrastructure behind the firewall – an Octopus would be a more precise name for this highly distributed build monster, and it’s spawning more and more offspring, OMG! :). But although the build may look the same at first glance, there’s a subtle twist. A hot one, or more precisely, a hot-deployment one!

It’s only a start of many more things to come in Mule 3.x, but it’s already worth checking out. We’ve modified the Mule Hello World example so you can try hot deployment right out of the box:

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Congrats to Ross – awarded a top 25 CTO by InfoWorld

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Yesterday, Ross Mason, our very own fearless leader, was awarded one of the top 25 CTOs by InfoWorld magazine. Every year InfoWorld honors senior IT executives who demonstrated leadership within their company and the IT community. As many of you know, with so much product and community momentum this year at MuleSource it’s been quite a ride and Ross definitely deserves this award. Congrats to Ross!