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SAP users, rejoice! Our esteemed partners at Osaka Gas Information System Research Institute Co., Ltd (OGIS) in Japan have created the SAP transport for Mule 2, available for download from MuleForge.

Yuji Yamano, the project lead on the SAP transport, explained how it works:

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“The SAP transport provides connectivity with SAP ERP 6.0. Users can send an XML message that is equivalent to a BAPI function request and receive an XML message that is equivalent to a BAPI function response. The transport uses RFC and BAPI calls via JCO (SAP Java Connector) provided by SAP.”

He went on to explain that since SAP is the market-leading ERP player, with a dominant deployment footprint in more than 120 countries globally, the SAP transport will enable countless IT organizations to now integrate their core SAP systems with other applications and services using the power and simplicity of Mule ESB. Most IT organizations have had to rely on expensive and heavyweight proprietary integration solutions or custom code to move data in and out of their SAP applications. With the new SAP transport, SAP users will see a dramatic improvement in the cost equation.

For more information, or to download and review the SAP transport, visit the SAP Transport home page.