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Turbo charging front-end development with user-created RESTful resources
In this article, I will show you how RESTx - an open source project for the creation of RESTful web services and RESTful resources -... read more.
Announcing Tcat Server 6 R3
We released Tcat Server 6 R3 today. This release packs features that were directly a result of customer feedback. Here are some of the... read more.
Beyond Integration, Part 2: Shattering Monoliths
After Peak Time Handling, and its heated discussions :), the Beyond Integration series continue with this new installment! The thought of working on a... read more.
Bring Erl On: Provisioning RabbitMQ users through Mule
Though a veteran language and platform, Erlang has recently gained a lot of traction, as very visible web sites and open source projects decided... read more.
MuleSoft joins Activiti BPM project
We are pleased to announce that MuleSoft has joined the Activiti BPM project; this is a much-needed initiative in the industry. While there are... read more.
Demoed: Processing Data with the MuleSoft’s Eclipse Tool Suite
Last Tuesday night's demonstration of the MuleSoft’s Eclipse Tool Suite at the Vancouver Eclipse Demo Camp went well. I almost got Nerf-gunned for a... read more.
Tomcat 7.0.0 Beta is Out
Many of you reading this have already seen the Apache Software Foundation's press release about Tomcat 7.0.0 -- it was voted beta quality on... read more.
Dynamic Requesting with Mule ESB
Imagine you want to build a synchronous HTTP service that fetches the data for its response over a JMS queue. Or from a directory... read more.
Control Tomcat from your iPhone
Recently I was hiking with couple of friends - one of them runs IT operations for a large consumer company. He was on call... read more.
Upcoming presentations (June 2010)
The last days of June will be busy as I will be talking at two events happening in Vancouver, BC, on the 29th and... read more.