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J4RVIS is a Salesforce and MuleSoft partner headquartered in Australia. In 2021, J4RVIS became MuleSoft Partner Certification Champions in the Asia Pacific region.

At the start of the pandemic in 2020, Jannis Bott and Pascal Uerlings set out to build a different kind of consulting agency. What set them apart from the rest? They wanted to approach tech consulting with a more human element, leading with empathy and curiosity to put the customer first. Establishing a team that is MuleSoft trained and certified was a critical step to gain the expertise they needed to offer customers sound advice. Their MuleSoft expertise also helps them create tailored solutions that not only meet their customers’ needs in the present moment but also into the future.

We talked with Jannis about their experience with building their practice and investing in MuleSoft Training and Certification for their growing team.

Building a practice from the ground up

Jannis and Pascal founded J4RVIS in 2020, becoming a MuleSoft partner soon after. In the first year, the business grew rapidly from no employees to over 30, across Australia and the Philippines. To unlock the best value from Salesforce and MuleSoft for their customers, they’ve made a big investment in their architects and developers cross-skilling in both:

“I want our Salesforce developers to go through MuleSoft Training because I genuinely believe they will be better developers. Understanding both is really powerful and ultimately, it makes it easier for them to do their job.”

– Jannis Bott

Jannis completed the same training programs that the J4RVIS team members complete because “one of the best ways of [leading] is by showing I also go through the same training that all staff have to go through. That’s why I’m certified.” He is certified both as a MuleSoft Developer and a MuleSoft Platform Architect.

Working with MuleSoft Training and Certification

J4RVIS worked with MuleSoft Training and Certification to set up a training roadmap for their team.

“They are phenomenal. They’ve been genuinely amazing in making all sorts of resources available. MuleSoft genuinely was interested in our success and in us upskilling, and they still are.”

– Jannis Bott

A training plan is foundational to growing an organization’s MuleSoft expertise, defining which people need to complete which courses and certifications by which date. To develop a training plan that is customized to achieve an organization’s goals, MuleSoft Training and Certification enables teams in the following ways:

  • Helps determine the skills that are required to ensure customer success.
  • Maps the courses, quizzes, workshops, and certifications to develop skills, retain knowledge and make it as easy as possible to learn.
  • Provides timelines, guidance, and regular check-ins to ensure the organization has everything they need.

Tips for upskilling your team

From his experience preparing his rapidly growing team, these are tips Jannis has for upskilling with MuleSoft:

  • Talk to your employer to get time off to go through MuleSoft Training and study for the certification exam. Take a week to go through the course, and a week to study and review any areas that you need more time to learn, then you’ll be able to pass the certification exam. The courses take time, and there’s no point in trying to do a full-time job at the same time you’re trying to learn MuleSoft and study for the certification.
  • Don’t try to rush through the course just to pass certification. It’s important to do all the exercises and learn. If you go through the course, study the modules, do all the exercises, then you’ll be able to pass the certification exam and have a good understanding to begin with.
  • After certification, the next step is to get hands-on experience, where you work with more senior developers who can help you as you work on your first projects and make mistakes. The fastest way you’re going to learn is by making mistakes and learning how to fix them. 
  • In every project, you’ll encounter some sort of integration challenge. Every time you solve a challenge, it’s a win and it’s motivating to go again and push further.
  • Be aware that it’s a learning curve, and the faster you want to go, the more projects you need to be exposed to.
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The value of being MuleSoft Trained and Certified

One of the core ways J4RVIS successfully grows its practice is through a trained and certified team.

“Having a trained team is what ultimately makes us successful. By having a certified team, we gain the credibility needed to win business and succeed in the ecosystem.”

– Jannis Bott

The next step in their learning journey is to build out greater capabilities around catalyst and project methodology. MuleSoft Training has helped them grow their team of MuleSoft experts and they now plan to put greater emphasis on successfully implementing larger projects for their customers. 

A commissioned Total Economic Impact™ study conducted by Forrester Consulting supports the experience J4RVIS has with their trained and certified team, showing that organizations who invest in training their technical workforce see an ROI of 235% over three years. Compared to their uncertified counterparts, MuleSoft trained and certified developers and architects are surpassing their untrained counterparts in the following ways:

  • They are 20+% more efficient when working on projects
  • They spend 75% less time on error remediation, resulting in more time for work on interesting projects
  • They report increased employee satisfaction

Start upskilling your teams of architects and developers through MuleSoft Training and Certification!