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Happy Friday!

For this week’s featured Muley, we thought we’d head over to the Channel and Services Team and introduce you to Samrah Khan, Director of Strategic Channel Partners! When she’s not in the office, she’s probably out doing yoga or checking out the newest restaurants. Read on to learn about her greatest weakness, what sets her apart, and why she’s one of our favorite Muleys!

First thought that came to mind when you looked into the mirror today?

  • OMG you need to get some more sleep – I’m getting old.
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How did you find MuleSoft?

  • MuleSoft found me! I went through an extensive round of interviews and was very impressed by the rigorous process. Greg was inspiring and the culture was a good fit.

How did you first get interested in your field? 

  • In college I majored in Computer Science and joined a semiconductor company. Pretty soon I realized that I was bored out of my mind and I needed to do something different. I’ve always been a people person but I also love technology. Alliances seemed to be a natural fit.

What exactly do you do?

  • I work with our partners to drive mutual business for revenue. My responsibility is to strengthen relationships with our strategic channel partners. These partners utilize/sell MuleSoft solutions to their end user customers and I help them with the process.

What was your very first job?

I was an admin in a police station doing paperwork. It had it perks as a teenager, aka no speeding tickets!

What’s a typical day like for you?

I wake up buy some delicious yet overpriced coffee and head into work. I think about ways to create more value and make MuleSoft successful and execute. After work I usually do yoga or a dance class – zumba, salsa, bhangra – you name it,  I do it. I’m  also a big foodie so I try to check out new restaurants during the weekdays.

Best perk of being at MuleSoft?

  • I’m surrounded by people that are truly, “best in class”. MuleSoft has hardworking people. My team is willing to go out of their way to help each other and everyone wants to see you be successful. That is a powerful thing. It makes me set my bar higher and higher. When you are on an A -team it challenges you to up your game.

Biggest challenge since you’ve been at MuleSoft?

  • The ropes course I did at last summer’s company meet up. The bruises lasted 2 weeks.

Best piece of advice you’ve received?

  • “There is no plan B. There is only plan A. So go make it happen.”

Typical weekend?

  • I like to catch up with friends and family over coffee, brunch or a movie. I also volunteer at the YMCA and help special kids with various activities. I also like to go dancing or just get out and check out new places to explore.

Most embarrassing moment?

  • Oh there are so many ….

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

  • Being able to shop without a care in the world! Or even better, have the ability to eat whatever I want and still look and feel good without having to exercise.

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

  • Fashionista, Traveler, Tough

If you weren’t doing what you’re doing, what would you do?

  • Dancer or Yoga teacher – except my bills are too high. I like Hatha or Iyengar yoga. I don’t do well in a hot room. You can put music on and I will dance to anything – and I mean it, anything.

Most memorable moment at MuleSoft?

  • The JP Morgan Run that the MuleSoft team participated in. It felt good to make a difference together.

What is your weakness?

  • Shoes, shoes and shoes.

What’s something about you that often catches people off guard?

  • I speak 4 different languages fluently and switch between them pretty easily during conversation. That always gets a “wow” reaction from people listening nearby.

That wraps it up for this week’s Meet a Muley post! Be sure to check back next week to meet another member of the team! Till then, be sure to follow us on Twitter @MuleSoft and LinkedIn for all things integration!Interested in working with talented people? Think you’re a superstar and have what it takes? Visit our MuleSoft Careers page to check out our latest openings.