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Being a Muley is an endearing term that many MuleSoft employees, Community leaders, and members of our ecosystem refer to themselves as when someone asks: who are you in the Salesforce world? Many have asked “What does it mean to be a Muley?” – well, we’re here to answer that question!

Who are Muleys?

Muleys are individuals passionate about the power of MuleSoft, dedicated to the success of the MuleSoft Community, and motivated to enable as many others as possible to learn or skill up with MuleSoft’s integration and automation tool kits. Muleys are located all over the world, range from developers to C-levels and everyone in-between, and have a variety of hands-on experience. What all Muleys have in common is they love connecting, sharing their MuleSoft knowledge, and giving back to their local communities. 

Why you should become a Muley

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Below, we hear from a few Muleys in their own words why they love being Muleys. 

Andrew Shanks, Salesforce Admin at Oregon Humane Society

I’m thankful for the opportunity to learn and help others learn/grow in the MuleSoft Community. As a Muley, being a part of the community means a lot to me.

It’s helped advance my career but more importantly it has helped the Oregon Humane Society improve their processes by an astonishing amount. #MuleyMoments

Manik Magar, Sr. Architect at AVIO Consulting

I’m thankful to be surrounded by amazing and passionate members of the MuleSoft Community. This feels just like an extended family that supports and understands each other. I can never express enough gratitude for the support and care the community provides, to everyone, new or old members.

As a Muley, being a part of the community means many things to me. It means connections, not just with the systems but with people as well. It means exchanging knowledge, experiences, and some of the best moments of the day. #MuleyMoments 

Nisha Sharma, Managing Director at Accenture

I am thankful for the opportunities I have had to connect with people around the world in the MuleSoft Community – online and in person – people who are passionate not just about MuleSoft, but also helping others to thrive.

As a Muley, being part of the community means helping and encouraging others, sharing experiences and perspectives, learning, making new friends, and having some fun. #MuleyMoments

Pooja Kamath, President and Chief Architect at API Insights

I am thankful to be surrounded by amazing individuals in the MuleSoft Community who continuously give back to the community, and who help others learn, grow, and advance their careers. I am thankful for Individuals who see the best in me. As a Muley, being a part of the community means constantly learning new things and meeting new Muleys. #MuleyMoments

Rahul Pahuja, VP of Client Engagement (Salesforce/MuleSoft) at Argano

I’m grateful for all the learning, inclusivity and new friendships I have developed in the MuleSoft Community. As a Muley, being a part of the community to me means paying it forward through mentoring others and developing diverse/meaningful friendships. #MuleyMoments

How to get involved with the MuleSoft Community

There are many ways you can get involved in the MuleSoft Community and become a Muley! The easiest way to get started is to complete our MuleSoft Community Quick Look Trail. This trail includes all of the resources you’ll need to successfully become a Muley. We’ve also included four easy ways to start your MuleSoft journey today.

MuleSoft Meetups

Join one of our 140+ Meetup groups that host weekly virtual, in-person, and hybrid events for beginners to advanced Muleys. MuleSoft Meetups are 100% community led meaning you’ll hear from real users just like you. We’re always looking for new Muleys to share their expertise in a local or online group. Apply to be a speaker today. 

MuleSoft Trailblazer Groups

If you’re more of a fan of online forums, join one or all three of our official MuleSoft Trailblazer Groups on Trailhead. For the automation enthusiasts, be sure to join MuleSoft Composer Group and MuleSoft RPA Group. For the integration lover, be sure to join the MuleSoft Group. These forums are great opportunities for you to ask and answer questions.

MuleSoft Mentors

Ready to really make a difference and mentor others? Join or nominate someone to become a MuleSoft Mentor. These individuals are dedicated to helping others learn all about MuleSoft, integration, and automation. As a MuleSoft Mentor, you’ll be rewarded for your awesome work and you’ll feel great while doing it!

MuleSoft Community Socials

In our digital and constantly connected world, you can also join the MuleSoft Community on LinkedIn and Twitch. These platforms provide technical how-tos, thought leadership, all things community, and events. We can’t wait to see you online!