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Happy Friday Everyone!

For this week’s Meet a Muley post, we headed over the Training team to chat with France Sink! Frances is our Curriculum Developer for all things API, working to make the lives of our customers easier.

First thought that came to mind when you looked into the mirror today?

  • I’ll just…go for a run AFTER work. (Not happening – I’m going to watch Cosmos instead, ha!)
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How did you find MuleSoft?

  • Robin Pille referred me, actually. She worked with me at Pearson Education, and had made the jump a few months earlier.

How did you first get interested in your field?

  • I’m really interested in how we can craft pedagogy to help an audience understand a difficult concept. I love that MuleSoft is committed to not only practical training on our products, but education that can help the larger developer community.

What exactly do you do?

  • I develop curriculum for MuleSoft’s Anypoint Platform for APIs. I work on our API training initiatives, so I’m constantly trying to educate myself about best practices and how our product meets customer needs.

How was the interview process? 

  • Extremely smooth, although one of the questions threw me. I was asked “What are 10 uses for a paperclip besides holding pages together?” I was in the middle of a mystery/noir streak, and said “Murder!” automatically. Thankfully, I was able to come up with other, non-lethal uses.

What was your first job?

  • I worked at a tiny bookstore in the mall. It’s still one of the best jobs I’ve ever had.

What’s a typical day like for you?

  • I bike into work from the Haight and my day is spent developing curriculum and e-learning to help customers more efficiently leverage our products to achieve their goals. I usually grab dinner with friends, or go to improv or swing! And then I stay up too late reading.

Biggest challenge of the day?

  • Making our e-learning as interesting as possible.

Best perk of being at MuleSoft?

  • The people – it’s fantastic to work with such an intelligent, driven (frequently hilarious) bunch.

Biggest challenge since you’ve been at MuleSoft?

  • Finding the time to learn JavaScript.

Best piece of advice you’ve received?

  • Breathe. The main thing is not to get too excited.

Most embarrassing moment?

  • I like to go swing dancing, and I definitely elbowed an older gentleman in the face during a complicated move. He had to excuse himself.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

  • Nah – I’d be like Iron Man and BUILD myself some superpowers. Way cooler.

Favorite food you could eat everyday if you had to?

  • Same as it’s been since I was 7: pizza.

 If you weren’t doing what you’re doing, what would you do?

  • I’d have a pie shop. It’d be called “That Place with All the Pies” and it would have a little lending library inside. Best of both worlds.

If you could have any pet in the world, what would you want?

  • A border collie. I’d like a dog smart enough to do my taxes.

Most memorable moment at MuleSoft?

  • Build-a-boat activity during MeetUp last year. The journey from supreme cockiness to dejected failure was truly a sight to behold.

That wraps  it up for this week’s Meet a Muley post! If you have any questions, feel free to leave them below. As always, if you’d like to hear from a particular team, please let us know!

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