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Happy Friday!

This week we’re back with another exciting Meet a Muley post. We chatted with Marina Bottacchi, our Front End Web Developer in Buenos Aires about her geek merchandise days and her adorable pets. As a part of the web and marketing teams, Marina not only ensures our site is always looking good, she does a lot of project management for our more technical web projects.

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Keep reading to learn about Marina!

How did you find MuleSoft?

  • I was contacted by a local recruiter with an opening for the awesome Marketing Department. I wasn’t really looking to change jobs at the moment, but the idea of being part of a tech startup and working with people around the globe sounded awesome.

How was the interview process? Any funny or embarrassing stories?

  • I had to talk to 5 different members of the company, all with different profiles and questions. It was interesting and challenging but it was awesome. I got a better idea of what the company was about and the type of people I’d be working with.

Is it difficult being in BA and working with teams in SF?

  • The only issue is the time difference, we’re currently 5 hours ahead of SF! Other than that, Skype and Lifesize make our lives pretty easy.

What was your first job?

  • During my first year of college I sold comic books, manga and other awesome geek merchandising at a local shop in the city. My first official job in the field was as a Web Developer for a small company in BA, mostly doing Flash and HTML, which was the popular thing at the time.

What’s a typical day like for you?

  • I usually start by cleaning up my inbox and answering e-mails, then I check on the status of development projects and update the content owners. Most meetings are held in the afternoon, which is also happen to be the perfect time for some awesome ping pong matches. I also make updates to the front end code of our websites, blog, forum, etc. to make sure things are running smoothly and looking good.

What are you currently working on?

  • The project with highest visibility at the moment is the refresh of the Anypoint Platform pages on our site. The project I’ve really enjoyed though is the redesign of I’ve enjoyed working with people across teams, managing projects, and getting to express my creativity along the way.

Best perk of being at MuleSoft?

  • Working with extremely talented people across different departments. Our offices are really awesome too!

Biggest challenge since you’ve been at MuleSoft?

  • Figuring out what MuleSoft actually does.

What’s something new you learned today/while being at MuleSoft?

  • There’s always room to improve, so the learning process never stops. Just when you think you have it, something new comes up.

Most embarrassing moment?

  • When I was younger I lost a trip to Disneyland on a variety show over the phone (I had to answer questions about popular cartoons). The funny part is that my relatives saw it on TV and then laughed about it, only to find out that it was me. Sadface.

Favorite food you could eat everyday if you had to?

  • Sandwiches with potato chips. Easy. And probably Sushi. Ñam ñam.

If you weren’t doing what you’re doing, what would you do?

  • Maybe a veterinarian. Or something related to animals and biology.

If you could have any pet in the world, what would you want?

  • I already have 5 pets (3 Akita Inu dogs and 2 cats) so for the moment I’m not open to new animals. But a tiger would be cool!

Favorite word?

  • Awesome. Could you tell?


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