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It’s been a while since we’ve had a Meet a Muley post, but we thought we’d bring it back this week and introduce you to a very special Muley – Max! Read on to hear more from the integration hero – from his favorite band to what exactly it is that he does here at MuleSoft.

First thought that came to mind when you looked into the mirror today?

  • Silos beware.
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Favorite Band?

  • Haulin’ Oates definitley.

How did you find MuleSoft?

  • I felt a disturbance in the integration force.

How did you first get interested in your field?

  • You could say I was born into it. Integration is in my DNA. With the strength and stamina of a donkey to haul data, and the speed of a thoroughbred for faster connections, I was born to connect the world!

What exactly do you do?

  • Battle the tyranny of point-to-point, to build faster connections and help integration haul SaaS.

Best perk of being at MuleSoft?

  • Being with people who understand the value of a Mule! Oh, and free lunches. Definitely free lunches.

Biggest challenge since you’ve been at MuleSoft?

  • Preparing for the Internet of Things: so many connections, so little time.

What’s a typical weekend like for you? 

  • Being a super hero keeps you pretty busy. When I’m not connecting the world, I’m usually horsing around with the family!

Most embarrassing moment?

  • That time I went to the board room and my harness was undone.

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

  • You’d have to ask SaaSy, but I’d say industrious, fast, and constantly hungry. Being a Mule isn’t easy!

Most memorable moment at MuleSoft?

  • Well you always remember your first connection. For me it was one of the world’s largest banks. We still connect from time to time to reminisce about the good times.

What is you weakness?

  • I can’t deny a good salt lick.

What’s something about you that often catches people off guard?

  • Most people don’t expect to see a Mule leaping through the clouds and wearing an awesome outfit.

Anything else you’d like to share with us?

  • My great-great-grandfather was in the Pony Express.

That’s it for this week’s Meet a Muley! Be sure to follow us on Twitter @MuleSoft, Facebook, and LinkedIn to stay up to date on all things SOA, SaaS and API!

At CONNECT  this week? Stop by, say hi, and take a picture with Max!