Including Files Into Tomcat’s server.xml Using XML Entity Includes

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Once in a while I get questions about whether Apache Tomcat implements a way to include other files in server.xml, Tomcat’s main configuration file.  The answer is that there is a way to do it, and that Tomcat didn’t have to implement a new feature for it to work.  The way to do it is: XML entity includes.

XML is a featureful and flexible data file format, and one thing that makes it helpful is that the XML parsers can be generic (think non-custom code), and because they can be generic, many different software projects can use the same parser code.  If the parser code can be shared, then all the features added to the parser can be available to all of the software projects that use the parser.  A great example of this is: it is common for us to want to include an additional file into a configuration file, so someone along the way added entity includes to the XML standard, then the XML parsers implemented it.  Tomcat got it “for free”.

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Clean exposure of Spring beans using Servlet transport and Json module in Mule

Reading Time: 6 minutes

For one of my personal projects I need to expose some Spring services for a web application, but I don’t want to pollute my model and service classes with annotations, so here’s how I might use Mule ESB for this task.

First I configure my pom file with Mule’s dependencies like this:

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The easiest way to get Tcat on Ubuntu

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Linux has become the platform of choice for many enterprises and has led the move towards reducing costs and improving effectiveness by using Open Source solutions. Our friends at Canonical are leading the charge in providing easy to use, compelling solution in Ubuntu.

Tcat Server 6 includes an unmodified Apache Tomcat server for enterprise use – we add enterprise features on top of Tomcat without making any changes to the core Tomcat binaries. It is an enterprise Tomcat without any artificial ingredients stuffed into Tomcat binaries.

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Clustering your Tomcat Servers: Webinar

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Tomorrow, MuleSoft’s Sateesh Narahari (Director of Product Management) and Jason Brittain (MuleSoft Architect and co-author of Tomcat: the Definitive Guide) along with Terracotta’s Ari Zilka (CTO) and Mike Allen (Sr. Director of Product Management) will be doing a webinar on Clustering your Tomcat Servers.

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Tomcat Admins: Automate your configuration changes

Reading Time: 5 minutesApache Tomcat is the right sized application server for web applications. It does not have the bloat and complexity of Java EE application server and continues to be light weight and efficient.

While Tomcat provides basic deployment capabilities, configuring Apache Tomcat instance for applications is a manual, error prone and repetitive process. When we launched Tcat Server, our goal was to make it extremely easy to use Tomcat in enterprises. I want to discuss one of the powerful features of Tcat Server that goes a step beyond making Tomcat easy to use – it helps you automate repetitive configuration tasks.

Server profiles in Tcat Server is the easiest way to group multiple Tomcat configuration files, dependent lib files and environment settings for the applications that you deploy.

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Why use jBPM with Mule?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

What is BPM and why would you use it with Mule?

BPM stands for Business Process Management and simplistically can be thought of as a system which automates business processes. Typically a BPM system will have a graphical interface which allows you to model your business processes visually so that a business analyst or other non-programmer can easily understand them and verify that they indeed reflect the reality of your business.

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Custom project templates in Mule IDE

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Last week at the Mule Summit, I gave a presentation on Mule IDE. One of the questions from the audience was about putting your own examples in the “Sample content” drop down on the “New project” dialog.

This is actually possible today. Here is how you do it:

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Streamlining Tomcat App Development by 30%: State of Alaska

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The State of Alaska uses Tcat Server for configuration management of its Apache Tomcat servers, and to automate the deployment process for key Tomcat applications.

Using Tcat Server, the State of Alaska has been able to cut down on tedious manual labor, errors, and server downtime, cutting their development and deployment process by as much as 30%.

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First release including the new XMPP transport

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Until recently, the XMPP transport was developed on its own feature branch to make sure it doesn’t interfere with the regular Mule 3 development.

I’ve been blogging recently about the usefulness of the transport. That blog post included a link to a custom bamboo build plan from which you could download a Mule distribution that included the new XMPP transport. Dowloading a full Mule release just to try out a new transport seems overly complex. So I decided to replace the existing XMPP transport with the new one in the Mule 3.0.0-M2 release we recently published.

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