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If there is one takeaway from our Connected Consumer Report, it’s this: customers demand and expect a tailored omnichannel experience across every touchpoint with a company.

However, the majority of customers are not getting this experience. According to our report, over half of consumers feel they receive disconnected experiences across banking (53%), retail (52%), insurance (55%), and public services (58%).

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The problem with this disconnected experience is that, today, customers do not consciously delineate one channel from another; they want their interactions with companies to be seamless and to be present where they are, across channels––whether that be through mobile, on the phone, or in-person.

Not only are customers demanding more, but the ability to interact with customers on multiple channels, and have access to data about the customer, is now a standard business operating procedure rather than a competitive differentiator. Organizations from hospitals to banks are continuing to think about their omnichannel strategies. And at MuleSoft, we are here to help.

New York & Company, a billion dollar specialty retailer, is leading the way in building an omnichannel brand. NY&Co, which was recently ranked #3 on the list of best omnichannel retailers, is driving digital transformation in retail.

By leveraging an API-led connectivity approach, the retailer has cut development time in half. They have been able to focus more time on innovation––becoming the first in specialty retail to have kiosks that complete end-to-end transactions (see photo below). NY&Co has also developed a mobile app with real-time inventory availability that integrates with ATG via exposed microservices API.  

new york and company mulesoft

NY&C Kiosk brings eCommerce into the store

For many organizations, achieving a connected consumer experience can mean the difference between thriving or surviving in the market. In our Connected Consumer Report, over half of retail consumers (63%) surveyed cited that they are prepared to change providers or organizations if their experiences are not improved. Consumers echoed similar sentiments for insurance (63%) and banks (55%) as well.

Building a connected consumer experience starts with API-led connectivity. To learn more, watch our latest webinar with our customer New York & Company – featuring Alex Pinskiy, Director of Omnichannel Systems, who shares their steps in building a top omnichannel brand.