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What does working on a farm have to do with being a successful architect on the Pre-Sales team? Brett Roeder was born in a tiny town in the U.S. Midwest. After working at 12 software companies as a programmer and a Solutions Consultant, he made his way to MuleSoft’s Atlanta, Georgia office. Meet Brett in the video below, a Senior Client Architect at MuleSoft for over 4 years!

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Success for Brett is all about the people he works with, both inside the company and externally:

“I have never seen customers that love a company and the software and the people like here. I think that’s because we all like working with each other at MuleSoft. Everybody walking down the hall is just a pleasure to meet … I have customers who I consider friends. And I think that when you’re selling software, that’s really important. I’ve had customers follow me from my previous company to here because I was their trusted advisor, and it’s those relationships that I’m most proud of!”

Stay tuned for to meet more Muleys in our newest video series! Want to run with the mules? Check out all our open positions, for Brett’s team or any of our teams around the world!