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Gonzalo joined MuleSoft’s Buenos Aires office in January 2017 and since then, he has been rocking the Global Services team as a Services Engineer.

What is your proudest accomplishment in your role here so far?

I was really proud when I saw that one of the features I developed was included in one of our products. I got to work with the Private Cloud Edition team to integrate the ELK stack and Mule-specific logging and dashboards into the product. It is great to know that, although I am not on the product team, I still have a unique opportunity to generate a big impact and be a part of the product development process.

What is the most interesting problem you are working on solving right now?

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I’m working on a cross-functional project with the Engineering team to provide the latest functionalities and the best experience to customers using our Anypoint Platform capabilities. It involves learning how a lot of our products work internally and this makes the project really interesting!

How did you become a Services Engineer?

I come from a consulting background. A friend of mine with whom I worked before (Andres Alleva, Senior Services Engineer at MuleSoft) told me about the company and the role. I quickly became interested in the role, especially because it provides the opportunity to not only work with customers, but to also contribute internally to our products and methodologies. This means that I can have a big impact on the whole organization. The fact that a large portion of the Engineering and Product teams are in the Buenos Aires office was also a great incentive to jump aboard.

What is your favorite thing about working on the Services team at MuleSoft?

The amount of exposure we get and the power we have to share our knowledge, as well as help multiple teams and customers, is definitely something unique to the Services team. I love that it is not the typical consulting team; we all have a really deep technical understanding and we’re actually a feedback channel to various teams at MuleSoft.

Why did you choose to come work for MuleSoft?

Initially, I did not know much about MuleSoft, but Andres really talked me into doing the interviews––and I am glad he did! The interview process was really great and actually helped me really understand how MuleSoft works not only from a technical and product point of view, but also from a people and culture perspective. I think MuleSoft was a great fit for me since I really liked the culture as well as the technical challenges that the role provided.

Take us through a typical day in your life.

Our job on the Services team is quite diverse; each day is really different and highly depends on what we are working on. If we are working with customers, we generally have daily calls to define the day-to-day work and then build the solutions they need. When doing product-related work, we talk a lot with the Engineering team as well as other teams. Then, we work together to add new capabilities to the products based on our customers’ needs. If we are not doing any product or customer-related work on a specific day, you can find us internally collaborating on building new assets to share with the whole organization.

What 3 things are always on your desk and why?

My Aperture Laboratories mug is always there (generally filled with some black tea), along with my headset and something to fidget with (either a squishy Max the Mule or some other small gadget)!

What teams do you work with most, and how do you collaborate?

As part of a global team, we are constantly working with Field colleagues around the globe. Also, working in the Buenos Aires office means that we get to work close to the Engineering team in order to contribute to improving our products.

What is your favorite activity outside of the office?

I am a huge video game fan, mostly online multiplayer PC games or Nintendo games. I also love playing and watching basketball. I have also picked up piano and even took some lessons, but the learning curve is proving to be pretty hard!

What is the latest technology you have learned to use?

I have been investing some time learning our new DataWeave 2.0 language, which will be released with Mule 4. DataWeave is our transformation language, which we built in-house and helps us transform messages from and to different formats using few lines of code. It is amazing how the language has evolved since the first version, and I am having a blast understanding how to move our DataWeave 1 use cases to the new language!

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