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What is the most interesting problem you’re working on solving right now?

That’s a good one! I would say it’s working together with my customers to structure a successful MuleSoft journey for them. This includes combining both the technical and organizational aspects of the journey, as well as prioritizing projects, and outlining KPI’s, prerequisites, and success factors. Since MuleSoft is a technology company, some customers often don’t take the above factors into account. Still, they’re crucial to the customers’ success. The most interesting (and challenging) aspect is diving deep into the customer’s world, looking where MuleSoft can add value, and then analyzing what is required from both sides to realize that value. In short, you’re building bridges between IT and Business departments.

How did you become a Customer Success Manager?

I originally graduated in Corporate Communications. Having worked in communications for years, I felt stuck at some point. I was not learning and growing as a person anymore. I moved into Microsoft as a Customer Success Manager for Office365, where I worked with business and IT teams to change the way they work and collaborate using Microsoft. It was at that point that MuleSoft in London reached out to me through a mutual connection, I didn’t know MuleSoft but after looking into the company and meeting with the Customer Success Director, I was convinced that was the right company, team and job for me.

Why did you choose to come work for MuleSoft?

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This is going to sound incredibly cheesy, but I felt that MuleSoft has an exciting future, I felt a great vibe in the London office, and I realized the valuable role that Customer Success plays in enabling customers to thrive. I could have settled for a job with paved paths, where you know how you’ll career will look like in the next few years––but really who wants that?

Take us through a typical day in the life.

I don’t think there is “a typical day” at MuleSoft! My day is a combination of internal alignment and external customer work. Internally, I work with Account Executive on our joint customers. How are our customers doing? Are we on track? What challenges are they facing and how can we help them overcome them? Internal work also includes tracking and tracing all the projects we are on as well as documenting what we do for internal sharing and learning. And the rest is “All Things Customer.” This includes conducting customer calls to discuss progress (including preparing them), preparing for meetings by researching the customer and their industry, creating a success plan, and so on. It is a mix between working with customers, as well as working with the Customer Success team to ensure we grow and learn as a team.

What 3 things are always on your desk and why?

My Mac, iPhone, and lip balm. Actually, my Mac, iPhone, and coffee are the Holy Trinity. Lip balm is kind of an addiction!

What teams do you work with most, and how do you collaborate?

I would say I work with Account Executives and Customer Success Architects the most. We work closely together on our customers in all the responsibilities described above. Ensuring customer success is a joint responsibility. Generally, the Customer Success team manages, aligns, and keeps track of the entire customer journey.

What is your favorite activity outside of the office?

Eating with friends and being outside (active and not!). Good weather is on its way, so chances are you’ll find me on my bike a lot. I am also a happy owner of a Honda SFV650 :).

What is your proudest accomplishment in your role here so far?

That would probably be when I worked together with an Account Executive on a project where the customer was still considering MuleSoft. We analyzed the customer’s situation and industry, then demonstrated to them in a succinct way where they were missing out on value and what they needed in order to get back on track. We went from a “customer v.s. vendor” discussion to a conversation about how we can jointly collaborate to help them realize their  IT and business strategy.

What is the latest technology you’ve learned to use?

Does disassembling parts of my bike count?

The latest technology that I have learned to use would be Gainsight,  a Customer Success Management tool that we use. It’s an incredibly efficient technology to manage, organize, and track your work. Next to that, I’m always looking for good management tools to organize the rest of my work, notes, ideas, etc. Wunderlist has been around a while already and it’s still one of my favorite task management tools due to its extreme simplicity. I use it to organize different aspects of my work into bite-size pieces that allow me to stay on top of things.

What is your favorite thing about working on the Customer Success team at MuleSoft?

Super simple. It is the combination of working with our customers to do great things, whilst working and contributing to a team that’s growing and learning to become better. Not to mention the office lunches and Friday drinks too!

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