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What are perceived and actual security concerns for APIs?
APIs are rapidly becoming one of the most important infrastructural layers of the Internet while at the same time becoming a critical component of... read more.
How to build for change in a cloudy world
The cloud market is on the rise, with organizations drawn to the promise of increased agility, reduced costs and improved operational efficiency. According to... read more.
Solving the multicloud integration conundrum
The benefits of moving to the cloud have been long praised across industries. As organisations jump on the cloud bandwagon to improve everything from... read more.
UX anti-patterns: Some rules are meant to be broken
Anti-patterns can be hard to spot. Anti-patterns are the inevitable outcome when a rule set is applied so rigidly that it yields the opposite... read more.
Why agile and scale without DevOps spell predictable doom
Predictability is the primary reason companies embrace agile over waterfall. The full slate of reasons vary depending upon the context of the company, and... read more.
How 3 customers championed connectivity with MuleSoft
MuleSoft has customers across industries that are innovating and transforming their digital landscape. Our customers tend to have one thing in common: they want... read more.
Why GDPR compliance is a ready-made problem for APIs
If you were existing anywhere but under a rock for the last few weeks, then you were probably subjected to a gauntlet of GDPR... read more.
APIs in the world of IT operations
In a previous life, I worked primarily with the operational side of the IT business, which is concerned with monitoring and operational alerting. The... read more.
It’s time for a new security model
Traditional security models—such as firewalls and DMZs—were designed to protect the perimeter. The thinking was that if the four walls of a company were... read more.
Are your legacy systems living in the Jurassic Age?
A daily problem CIOs face is how to deal with legacy systems—systems built decades ago in what now feels like prehistoric times. Buried deep... read more.