Batch Module Reloaded

With Mule’s December 2013 release we introduced the new batch module. We received great feedback about it and we even have some CloudHub users happily using it in production! However, we know that the journey of Batch has just begun and for the Early Access release of Mule 3.5 we added a bunch of improvements. […]

Batch processing performance in the cloud

Today I will introduce our performance test of the Batch Module introduced on the Mule’s December 2013 release. I will guide you through the test scenario and explain all the data collected. But first, if you don’t know what batch is, please read the great Batch Blog from our star developer Mariano Gonzalez, and for any other concerns […]

When ETL met the ESB: Introducing the Batch Module

We are all very proud to announce that Mule’s December 2013 release shipped with a major leap forward feature that will massively change and simplify Mule’s user experience for both SaaS and On-Premise users. Yes, we are talking about the new Batch jobs. If you need to handle massive amounts of data, or you’re longing […]

Creating Value from Data With AI, APIs, and a Business-Model-First Approach

There is a data revolution driving the digital transformation movement. Organizations can reap plenty of business benefits in the back office by digitizing data and automating their processes. However, the companies setting the bar in the digital economy are the ones that maximize their use of data to deliver captivating customer experiences. These companies recognize […]

Accelerate and optimize your Trade Promotion Management with MuleSoft

How effective is your trade promotion strategy and execution? Is your promotional spend – the second largest expense at your company – giving you the expected returns? Is your trade promotion management (TPM) solution powered with all the required data to provide the highest value with the right insights?