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How to create Mule dashboards in New Relic Insights
In the digitalization era, “data is the new bacon.” What does this mean? Data can be served in different ways just like bacon and can... read more.
15 APIs to track U.S. election data and information
The U.S. election is just around the corner — and this year the election will look much different than previous years. In the midst of... read more.
Migrating on-premises standalone runtime apps to Runtime Fabric
Standalone Mule runtime engine allows customers to deploy applications in their server, located in the cloud or data center. All application data remains within... read more.
MuleSoft achieves SAP-certified integration with SAP NetWeaver® and SAP S/4HANA®
In July 2020, the SAP® Integration and Certification Center (SAP ICC) certified connectors from MuleSoft to integrate with SAP NetWeaver® technology platform and with... read more.
Microsoft Azure, Plaid, and Dropbox: 11 new connectors for Anypoint Platform
Many of our customers report launching new products 50% faster, and that developers can push out apps at twice as fast while using Anypoint... read more.
How to be a matchmaker using DataWeave and regular expressions
In this blog, we’ll look at how a regular expression (regex) can give you the power to transform text in your DataWeave programming. When... read more.
Moving from RESTful to EVENTful
For close to twenty years, the "common standard" of APIs on the web has been summed up in one word: "RESTful." Designers, developers, and... read more.
Improving the developer experience with API discoverability
This is the first article in a two-part series focused on API documentation and discoverability The API developer experience APIs are no longer treated... read more.
How to review concatenation functions in DataWeave 2.0
Contrary to what most developers believe, there are different ways to achieve concatenation in DataWeave 2.0 for several data types. While the most popular... read more.
Common use cases, templates, and connectors for Flow Designer
In this blog post, we will talk about “Flow Designer,” the online component which has a wide set of features for the creation of... read more.