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How retailers use APIs to reinvent shopping
The retail industry is undergoing a massive change due to technology. In Asia, online retailers are flourishing because of their ability to target consumers... read more.
Joining the insurtech revolution
Despite the insurance industry’s reputation as a laggard when it comes to technological innovation, it is undergoing massive change as traditional providers race to... read more.
The power of connectivity in retail
Retailers have long understood that 'knowing the customer' is crucial for maintaining loyalty and standing apart from the competition. Today, in the age of... read more.
How IT can reshape patient care
Imagine having the ability to detect cancerous tissue within 10 seconds via a pen-shaped device, or the ability to receive an organ donation on-demand... read more.
3 key factors to developing Your omnichannel strategy
It is a common misconception that omnichannel is a matter of connecting system A to system B to create a new mobile app or... read more.
Why higher education institutions need to leave direct integrations in the past
In the past decade, higher education institutions have invested heavily in procuring modern information systems, in order to provide new and innovative digital experiences... read more.
From CIO to CEO: Yvonne Wassenaar discusses the future of technology
To survive today, companies need tech-savvy leaders. The convergence of cloud, SaaS, mobile, big data and more is turning every company into a technology... read more.
Anypoint Platform and G-Cloud 10
This summer, we are excited to announce that MuleSoft’s Anypoint Platform is officially available on the UK government’s G-Cloud 10 framework. In response to... read more.
Roundup: Top 7 blogs – second quarter
In the second blog roundup of this year, we are highlighting the top 7 blogs over the last three months––providing you, our readers, with... read more.
Insights from MuleSoft’s technology and education roundtable
More and more students are pursuing higher education. In the UK alone, during the past school year, over 2.32 million students enrolled in university.... read more.