Microservice Strategy: Not All Services Are Created Equally

At MuleSoft, we regularly have discussions with organizations about the role of our integration and API platform in the context of a microservice architecture. Some organizations firmly believe that all they need is a team of generic microservices developers. But quite a few “born-in-the-cloud” companies use MuleSoft as their integration and API platform. 

6 fundamental principles of microservice design

Companies must remain proactive and innovative in today’s digital-first environment to keep pace with changing customer demands, emerging technologies, and improved processes. As organizations and their development teams aim to thrive in a continually evolving market, the microservice architecture brings value by laying the foundation to support continuous innovation and the agility to rapidly respond […]

Designing for API portability across a hybrid/multi-cloud strategy

Many businesses are adopting an API-led integration strategy to drive agility and flexibility to meet changing market requirements. This allows them to connect an increasing number of technologies with a set of standardized and reusable API services. These services are key to creating a composable enterprise, unlocking value opportunities, and reducing the burden of integration […]

3 reasons to accelerate your enterprise event-driven API journey

Have you ever experienced anxiety when you see the dreaded “wheel of death” that appears when a browser takes too long to load? As consumers, we expect businesses to respond to our requests immediately irrespective of the channel of communication. According to a customer support survey from HubSpot, 82% of consumers look for an immediate […]

Everything you need to know about government integration

APIs have a huge potential and impact in meeting customer/citizen needs to revolutionize the organization and expose its full potential. They help create solutions that provide better customer experiences without increasing the cost significantly. APIs also aid in streamlining business operations. Over the last decade, we’ve seen many private organizations adopt and harness the power […]

The challenges that lie ahead amid the rise of the composable enterprise

The demand for flexible business models from our consumers is at an all-time high, re-assembling and re-composing organization’s digital products at a faster pace is the top priority of stakeholders. Purchased off-the-shelf applications are not fluid enough to keep pace, an application layer that provides active personalization of business capabilities is required to satisfy expectations […]

Decoupling for exponential IT: increase business agility to innovate at speed, continuously reinvent, and be resilient

Exponential IT is Accenture’s name for a doctrine enabling companies to respond quickly to immediate business needs while continuously evolving for the future. Companies’ systems should support rapid launch of new products and services, while exploiting existing IT investments.